
6th March 2020 - Year 6 Trip to Cannock Chase Museum

Year 6 had a fantastic day as evacuees at The Museum of Cannock Chase on Friday.

We got to act out life as an evacuee, learnt how to put on a gas mask, took part in a mock air raid and learned how to handle artefacts from the past.

Thank you to Amanda and Claire from the museum for teaching us so much. Also a huge thank you to the children and parents for creating such fantastic costumes - you all really looked the part!

4th March 2020 - Year 1 Trip to the Black Country Living Museum

Year 1 had a great day at the Black Country Living Museum where they experienced a 'transport through the ages' workshop.

The children experienced first hand what it was like to travel in Victorian times and were able to see how different modes of transport have developed over the years.

The children were also given a Victorian school lesson where they experienced what it would be like to be a child in Victorian times!

2nd March 2020 - Textiles Club

Well done to Textiles Club on a successful 6 weeks creating beautiful Textile designs! We hope the children enjoyed the sessions.

2nd March 2020 - Year 1 Handwashing

Year 1 had a great workshop from our school nurse this morning. Laura demonstrated the importance of washing our hands using a UV light. She also demonstrated the correct way to brush our teeth.

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