Sad Farewell to Miss Collins and Miss Ciasullo
In addition to our year 6 leavers we also have 2 teachers sadly leaving us to go to pastures new.........
Farewell Miss Collins and Miss Ciasullo. we wish you all the very best in your new ventures, and hope that you will come and visit us often!!
All our very best wishes both, we will miss you!!!!!

Year 6 Leavers Assembly and Presentations
Stourbridge Rotary Club have been into school and presented our year 6 children with a lovely Dictionary each, to help them to continue their educational journey through High School. Thank you very much!!!

The children then performed for us one last time in their leavers assembly - there were more than a few tears by the end, especially after the Leavers song!!
The children were then presented with a leavers mug, and the lucky winners of the Cruise Cup were announced!!
Wishing our year 6 Leavers the very best for the rest of their educational journey in High School - Good luck guys!!!
Who's getting Married???!!!!!!!!!
Our lovely lunchtime cashier, Miss Johnson, is getting married over the summer holidays, and when she returns in September she will be Mrs Walters!!
Have a fabulous day Becky, everyone at the Ridge wish you and your future husband all the very best - Congratulations!!!!!
Attendance Awards
This morning children were presented with their 100% attendance awards.
A very well done goes out to everyone who received an award, being at school every day makes such a difference to your education.
In addition to this years attendance, we also have some students who have 2 years 100% attendance!!
And 3 years 100% attendance!!

4 years 100% attendance!!

And even 5 years 100% attendance - Amazing achievements!!!

Shorts and Shades Picnic
We had a fabulous afternoon at our shorts and shades picnic - thank you to everyone who could attend, here are a selection of photos from the afternoon.
Stourbridge Tennis Club
This morning, year 5 were very fortunate to have a tennis session with Kirk from Stourbridge tennis club. The children did a variety of skills to develop their control of the ball and then focused on developing their forehand, backhand and volley before applying it into competitive games. Kirk was impressed with their skills and effort- well done year 5.
It has been brilliant to see how much the children have developed their skills and their love for tennis throughout P.E in Key Stage Two. Many of the children have been a part of our very successful tennis teams over the past few years and have persued these talents by joining local tennis clubs.
If your child is interested in taking part in more tennis, see the attached flyer for summer sessions at Stourbridge tennis club or see our Sports page for more information on tennis clubs in our local area.
Year 4 Clarinet Ensemble
This morning our year 4 children held a concert showcasing the pieces they have learned this year on their clarinets. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend!!
Year 5 had a wonderful morning at the Ezone at Roberts Primary this morning. We enjoyed a range of activities including orienteering, pond dipping and natural art. Michelle and Meg at the Ezone were very impressed with our impressive map reading skills and communication and team work. Whilst pond dipping, we found and identified a range of creatures including a newt which Sammy-Jo found; staff were very impressed by her find, well done Sammy-Jo!
Thank you to the staff at the Ezone for a fun-filled day!
Rotary Junior Community Award
On Thursday 6 of our children were given a Rotary Junior Community award by Stourbridge Rotary
The Award helps children
- bridge the generation gap by helping older and younger people
- learn about the joys and challenges of volunteering
- find out that people are different and that that's a good thing
- learn how community decisions are made
- practice new skills
- gain confidence and a feeling of self worth
- develop healthy attitudes towards physical fitness
There are activities to be done in four areas.
Community Service
Social Experiences
Physical Recreation
We are so very proud of our children below who have achieved this award.........
- Alysia Bryce
- Billy Field
- Mia Pearson
- Katie Pinder
- Abigail Rogers
- Eliza Wisby
They were presented with their awards during a special Rotary Awards Assembly.
Full details of the award are below......
In the morning, we had a look at multiple African dresses and discussed creating a design of our own. With the use of mannequins, paper, Sellotape and paperclips, we produced our own dresses inspired by African designs. We really enjoyed this activity and it linked well to our 'Out of Africa' topic studied in the Autumn term!
Next, some of us went to do Batik designs. First, we drew out our designs on paper. Then, we put our designs on top of a wooden board and dripped wax onto it using a special tool. We had to be very careful not to burn ourselves! This technique was really effective and meant that we could create beautiful, intricate designs. We decided for our final product to create a piece of artwork based around The Ridge emblem. We used dye with a paintbrush to create a mesmerising background which really made our design stand out.
Whilst some of us finished this, the rest of us did some dancing! First, we did some corner work which involved travelling from one corner to another in different ways. We then put what we learnt together to create a dance. The rest of the group then came back to watch us perform.
Overall, we had a fantastic day and developed lots of art and dance skills!
Reception Class Reward for Fundraising!!
Our Reception class were rewarded today for raising the most money for the Amble Ramble, they raised a whopping £358.33!!
They were treated to a showing of 'The Incredibles' and an interval ice Cream!!
Thank you to all of the children, and their families and friends for your support!!
School Games Award
We are delighted to announce that the Ridge have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2017/18 academic year.
The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.
Our sporting achievements this year include:
Sports in Schools
Competitive Sports
We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our competitions possible.
As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas of participation, competition, workforce and clubs, and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.
We look forward to applying once again in 2019!
Oldswinford Hospital School Orchestra
Today we were visted by the Oldswinford Hospital School (OSH) orchestra who held workshops for our KS1 and KS2 children.
We listened to some fabulous music from many different musical instruments and even got to join in!! We had a fabulous morning, thank you OSH!!
Stourbridge Music Festival
Year 5 had a very enjoyable afternoon performing as part of the Stourbridge Music Festival at Oldswinford Hospital.
We performed group songs with the others schools who attended called 'Hey Mr Miller' and 'Raise My Voice'. We then performed 'When I grow up' from Matilda the musical.
Miss Collins was exceptionally proud of how beautifully we performed the piece and how well we represented The Ridge.
Our Year 5 and 6 athletics team had a brilliant afternoon at the Stourbridge athletics competition at the Dell. The children competed in a range of field and track events and some took part in the team relay event. The children represented The Ridge brilliantly as part of their team and should be so proud of their personal and team successes.
Out of the eight teams which took part, the results are as follows-
Year 5 girls team- 2nd
Year 5 boys team - 4th
Year 6 girls team- 2nd
Year 6 boys team- 5th
Drama workshop
On Friday 6th July, Year 6 took part in a drama workshop to help put the finishing touches to the end of term production. They did drama games and thought about the way their characters might talk, react and move.
Many thanks to Ben and Katie from the Saltmine Theatre Company for coming to work with us for the morning, and to Rachel from Saltmine who arranged it all for us.
Year 6 are now true thespians and are full of confidence - ready for their performances.
We look forward to welcoming you all to see Key Stage 2's fantastic production: 'What a Knight!' later in the week.
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