Year 1

Hello children and parents of Year 1! We hope that you and your families are well. You will have already seen a list of useful resources on the school website to keep the children learning at home and we hope you have been enjoying these fantastic resources which are hugely beneficial to the children’s learning during this time. Below are some ideas specific for Year 1 that we thought would be useful. Thank you for your continued support at home. It is hugely appreciated. We are missing you all lots and can’t wait to see you again soon! Take care and look after each other.

Miss Carrington and Mrs Smith


· Practise reading the graphemes, words and high frequency words that were provided in your parent’s evening packs. Have a go at learning any new sounds that we haven’t covered yet. Listen to the sounds on the website link below as this will help you to say them correctly.

· Play word games to help you memorise the sounds. This could be playing ‘pass the tricky word’ or ‘tricky word bingo’ which we have played lots at school. You could play ‘snap’ using the words or musical chairs with the words on each chair.

· Enjoy reading lots of books. You could read a magazine, cooking recipes, labels on things around the house… anything you can find!

· Have a go at making your own memory joggers or boxing up plans to create your own stories! Or maybe you could retell a story we have learnt together in school.


· Practise writing the graphemes, words and high frequency words that were provided in your parent’s evening packs.

· After you have had a go at making your own memory joggers or boxing up plans, why not have a go at writing the stories? Remember to go through and edit your work afterwards to check that it makes sense and that you have used capital letters and full stops correctly!

· You might like to write a story similar to ‘Baby Mouse’ or ‘Cat, Bramble and Heron’ as we have practised this lots in school!

· You could also have a go at writing some instructions. Maybe write instructions for how to bake a cake? Or how to make something creative? You could write instructions for how to capture a dangerous creature like we did in class!

· Have a go at writing a spine poem, similar to the one that we did on family learning day, about something in your house. Start by choosing an object/photograph and pick the 5 main things you would like to describe. For example, if you’re looking at an image of a tiger you could choose the teeth, whiskers, claws, eyes and tail. After this, describe the parts of the body and turn it into a fantastic poem!

· Write a letter to another person in the class about what you’ve been up to. Remember to ask them questions in return!

· Keep practising writing the days of the week and months of the year.


There is information about spelling on the school website for parents to see. It includes the spelling lists that we use in class.


· Continue working on your Doodle Maths activities. I will be sending you added extras each week to help focus your learning. Remember you can get to this through the website or through the app.

· Use the activities on ‘Numbots’. Children who were in school on Friday 20th March will have had their logons glued into their reading records. Those who were not in can email Miss Carrington to get theirs.

· Practise your number bonds. Ensure you are confident with your bonds up to 10. If you can list your bonds all the way up to 10 then continue to work on bonds to 20! Draw your own part-whole models, use objects in the house and you could even create your own double-sided counters to demonstrate your understanding. Jack Hartmann on Youtube does some great videos to help learn number bonds.

· Create number bond challenges, similar to those in your tables clubs. For example,

3 + ____ = 3

· Practise your doubles to 20. For example, 9+9, 8+8 etc.

· Continue practising to measure items using a ruler. You could also learn to measure weight using scales if possible. Find out which object is the longest/shortest, heaviest/lightest and tallest/shortest.

· Practise your rolling numbers! We have already learnt our 2s, 5s and 10s in class but, if you’re confident with those, continue to learn more. You can find lots of videos to teach you these on Youtube:

· Practise finding one more and one less than a number.

· Add and subtract one and two digit numbers to 20.

· Name and describe 2D and 3D shapes.

· Recognise and write numbers to 20.

· Use the worksheets provided in your parent’s evening packs to practise reading and writing the time at o’clock and half past. If possible, wear a wrist watch and regularly tell the time.

· Use the worksheets provided in your parent’s evening packs to practise recognising different coins. Practise handling real money if possible. You could use 1p and 2p coins to pretend to buy different toys.

· Find ½ and ¼ of an object, shape or amount.

· Top marks is a great website with lots of games that will help you in your learning. Hit the button is a particularly good resource to help children with their tables and doubles/halves of numbers.

· Use the lessons provided on the White Rose Maths website. You will find lessons linking to all objectives listed above and clear instructions on exactly how to complete the learning. Find this information at

· Programmes such as Alphablocks and Numberblocks on CBeebies will build on children’s understanding of number.


Our next planned topic in science is Animals including humans.

In this topic we would learn to:

· Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals

· Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores

· Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets)

· Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.

You could draw a human body and label the basic parts. You could do the same with your favourite animal!

You could create lists or draw pictures of all of the birds, fish, mammals etc that you can think of.

Other targets that we would be moving onto in Year 1 include:

· Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees

· Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees

Why not get in the garden or have a look when you go on a walk at the plants and trees and see if an adult can tell you what they are called?

You could also recap what we learnt last term about everyday materials:

· Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made

· Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock

· Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials

· Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.

STEM science also has free resources that families can use at home:


We are coming to the end of our ‘Going Places’ topic so this would be an excellent time to consolidate all of your learning and link it with some writing activities.

You could:

· Create a fact file about the Wright brothers.

· Create an advertisement poster for your favourite form of transport and label its features.

· Choose a form a transport and draw and/or label how its features have changed over the years.

· Write poems about your favourite forms of transport.

Don’t forget to look at the ‘Useful websites and apps’ page for ideas for P.E., computing and D.T.

We hope this is useful for you and your families to give ideas of some of the things you could be doing to continue your learning at home. We will be in touch with more ideas soon and to see how you’re all getting on.

Stay safe everyone and let us know how you’re getting on over email! We cannot wait to see all of your faces again very soon.

Miss Carrington and Mrs Smith.

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