Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

In Year 1 we focus our learning around three different topics: Home Sweet Home, Going Places and Land Ahoy.

In the Autumn Term we begin with Home Sweet Home where we find out more about our locality. We consider fire safety at home and even have a visit from firefighters. We consider what Wollaston is like and take a walk around to find out about different homes. We begin to develop map reading skills and compare Wollaston to Birmingham. We consider the human and physical features of our locality. Additionally, we visit Hartlebury Museum to compare life nowadays to life in the past by completing chores and handling artefacts.

In the Spring Term we investigate the topic of Going Places. We build on our enquiry skills by asking geographical questions about new places. We look at significant people from the past such as the Wright Brothers and significant engineers and place our findings into order along a time line. We look at different forms of transport and create our own vehicles.

In the Summer term we have a Pirate Day where we dress up as a crew of shipmates and live the life of a pirate! We find out about real life pirates. We continue finding out about towns and villages and even look at holiday destinations! In Design and Technology we design, create and evaluate our own flags.


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