Welcome to Reception!

A typical day in Reception is all about Learning Through Play. We want the children to enjoy learning - to be happy, confident and independent. We have a focus on using Kinetic Letters to learn how to write and form letters correctly and we have daily phonics sessions too. We follow the 'Talk for Writing' programme to develop our skills for writing, including learning lots of different stories throughout the year. We also offer plenty of opportunities to learn, use and apply maths skills in readiness for moving on with our learning in Year One.

We look at all sorts of different topics throughout the year and aim to follow the interests of the children too. Some of the topics we cover include:

* Farms - including a visit to a farm

* Our bodies - including how to be healthy and look after ourselves

* Nocturnal animals

* 'Our Wonderful World', including growing, Jack and the Beanstalk and lifecycles.

* Pets and looking after animals - including an opportunity to 'Bring Your Pet to School!'

* And much more including the Seasons and various festivals throughout the year.

Our environment is planned so that everything is accessible and includes a fantastic outdoor area with space to run and investigate, a wooded area and a Trim Trail for physical development.

We take the children out on various different trips throughout the year to enhance their learning. This year we have been to Ashend House Farm, the environment zone hosted at a local school and to a superb Adventure Playground in nearby Dudley, in addition to lots of walks and visits in the local area.


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