Pre School

Welcome to Pre School!

Pre School welcomes children from 3 years of age until they are ready to start primary school. Situated in the school grounds, Pre School can be found in a spacious mobile classroom overlooking the school field. A large enclosed outdoor space includes a climbing adventure area, a planting/digging area and room to run and ride bikes! Pre School children also have access to the school hall, woodland area, trim trail and ICT suite on a regular basis.

In a child's early days in Pre School, there is a heavy focus on their Personal, Social and Emotional Development as they learn to separate from their parent and become familiar and comfortable with new adults and children and, of course, explore an exciting environment.

Pre School is all about "Learning through Play". A lot of the curriculum is about the children's own interests and ideas. These have included Detectives, Spiders, Dinosaurs, Builders to name a few!

Some of the planned topics may include:

  • Homes, Fairytales, Toys, Transport, Time, Animals.

To raise children's awareness of other cultures, we learn about different festivals throughout the year. These may include:

  • Divali, Chinese New Year, St. George's Day.

Towards the end of a child's time in Pre School, we prepare them for the important transition to "big school". Regular times are planned for the children to visit the Reception Classroom and Outdoor Area.

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