School Uniform
The Ridge Primary School has a uniform, which all children are required to wear. Uniform gives children a sense of pride in belonging to their school community. We aim to make uniform easily available and keep to a minimum, the number of school branded items which are required. The only items that are required to have the school logo are sweatshirts/cardigans and the school tie. These are obtainable from the school office. All other items are easily obtained from supermarkets or major chain stores.
* Summer Uniform is optional and may be worn from the beginning of the Summer Term (usually April) to the Autumn Half-Term (usually end of October). For the remainder of the year, the children wear the standard winter uniform.
Winter Uniform
- White button up shirt or blouse (not polo style)
- Navy Blue School tie (obtainable from the School Office)
- Grey pinafore dress, skirt or school trousers
- ‘Kingfisher Blue’ Sweatshirt / Cardigan with the school logo (obtainable from the School Office)
- Navy blue, white or grey socks or tights
- Flat black/navy/grey school shoes (not trainer style)
Summer Uniform *
- Yellow gingham or striped dress
- Yellow Polo Shirt with the school logo. (Yellow polo shirts without the school logo are acceptable)
- Grey School Shorts
- ‘Kingfisher Blue’ Sweatshirt / Cardigan with the school logo (obtainable from the School Office)
- White or grey socks or tights
- Sandals may be worn, with socks, but must be suitable for school (no trainers, beach/jelly shoes)
P.E. Kit
On the days when PE lessons are timetabled the children should come to school in their PE kit. This comprises of a
- Plain white polo shirt
- Blue shorts or P.E. skirt or in colder weather, blue joggers/track suit bottoms.
- ‘Kingfisher Blue’ Sweatshirt / Cardigan with the school logo (obtainable from the School Office)
- Trainers
In addition the children need a pump bag in school containing
- Pumps
- Blue PE Hoodie, or tracksuit top to change in to for the lesson
- Change of pants and socks
We ask that no other leisurewear is worn so that the children look smart in uniform throughout the rest of the day when they are not doing PE. With the exception of school branded items, all items should be unbranded or with a small, inconspicuous logo.
Pre-Loved Uniform
A selection of pre-loved items of school uniform is available from school. We welcome donations of clean outgrown uniform for us to pass on to others.