Staffing Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
As you may be aware our Year 3 teacher and SENCo, Mrs Norgate has been on maternity leave since January and was due to return to work after Christmas. Her teaching post is currently being covered by Miss Howarth and the SENCo role, by Mrs McGivney.
Mrs Norgate has decided not to return to work and remain a full time carer to her little boy. Because of  her maternity leave, Mrs Norgate has not been at The Ridge for some time, however we would like to place on record, our thanks to her for her service to our school.
I am delighted to share with you that both Miss Howarth and Mrs McGivney have agreed to remain in the respective roles of Year 3 class teacher and SENCo until the end of the academic year. This obviously gives the school community much needed continuity until substantive appointments can be made. I know that this news will be welcomed.
Kind regards,
Deb Hudson
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