Remote Learning and Amble Ramble
Monday 2nd May
School Closed - May Day
Thursday 5th May
School Closed - Voting Day
Children will be set a remote learning task details of which are outlined below.
Monday 23rd May
Amble Ramble - Red, White and Blue Theme
Amble Ramble is back! The Amble Ramble is a fundraising tradition at The Ridge. The whole school go on a walk around Wollaston and families are invited to walk with us. This year we will be dressing in red, white and blue to link it to The Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
School Council will be deciding upon the theme for this year's Amble Ramble Fundraiser. A separate letter will be sent out with more details about the Amble Ramble shortly.
Platinum Jubilee Party
We will be having a Platinum Jubilee Party on the playground for all children in school. We will send out more details nearer to the time.
Remote Learning Information for Thursday 5th May
All of the remote learning tasks are themed around The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Children can choose ideas from the lists below or they can think of their own activities. If children have siblings in school, they can work together on their chosen activities.
Any work that children produce can either be brought into school on Friday 6th May or pictures and/or videos can be uploaded to Class Dojo by 5pm on Thursday 5th May. Teachers will provide feedback about the work set to the class as a whole on Friday 6th May.
Remote Learning Tasks Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)
· Find out what the Platinum Jubilee is and present your findings in the form of a video, artwork, poster, speech etc.
· Send a letter, card or postcard to The Queen congratulating her on her Platinum Jubilee
· Create a new portrait of The Queen
· Create a jubilee-themed poem or song
· Find out about previous monarch's jubilees
· For each jubilee, a royal medal is made and awarded to individuals. Design a medal for the platinum jubilee
· Find out about The Queen's Green Canopy and plan how we could get involved with it as a school
· Explore the countries of the commonwealth such as their histories, food and culture
· Design a menu for a platinum jubilee party
· Make a place mat to bring to our school jubilee party
Remote Learning Tasks Key Stage 1 (Years Reception, 1 and 2)
· Find out what the Platinum Jubilee is and present your findings in the form of a video, artwork, poster, speech etc.
· Send a letter, card or postcard to The Queen congratulating her on her Platinum Jubilee
· Create a jubilee-themed poem or song
· Create a new portrait of The Queen
· Make some Platinum Jubilee bunting for the party we are having in school
· Make Buckingham Palace out of materials that you have at home
· Design and make a new crown that The Queen could wear and enter the competition:
· Design and make a decorative flag
· Make an afternoon tea and have your own jubilee party
· Make a place mat to bring to our school jubilee party