
As RE is not on the National Curriculum – apart from a stipulation that schools must teach RE as part of a broard and balanced curriculum – we built our syllabus by following the Dudley Agreed Syllabus, NCFRE 2013 and for EYFS, Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters. Alongside these documents, we use Discovery RE to deliver the curriculum.

 Discovery RE is an enquiry based approach that is based around a key question. The key question for the enquiry is such that it demands an answer that weighs up ‘evidence’ (subject knowledge) and reaches a conclusion based on this. This necessitates children using their subject knowledge and applying it to the enquiry question, rather than this knowledge being an end in itself. The religions and themes studied are repeated, allowing pupils to build on their long-term memories within the year, as well as year on year. Pupils are taught appropriate and progressive vocabulary so that they are able to consider and express their personal views and beliefs, develop critical thinking skills on personal reflection into the child’s own thoughts and feelings and nurturing spiritual development.

Where appropriate, we enhance the curriculum by incorporating religious artefacts, welcoming visitors into school and also by arranging offsite educational visits, which excites and intrigues our children to find out more about world religions.

As part of our Collective Worship at The Ridge, we are happy to be able to welcome our Open The Book Team into school every other week. The team consists of members of St James and St Michael’s Churches who generously give their time to contribute to our Collective Worship. They do so by dramatizing Bible stories and sharing an age-appropriate explanation that encourages children to consider how to live according to Christian values that are at the core of our school life. The team help to support the spiritual development of children at The Ridge whilst also bringing lots of fun and excitement to a Thursday morning! There is no shortage of smiles or laughter when the team ‘open the book’ and begin to share a story with the children. We also have a Special People Assembly (fortnightly) at The Ridge where teachers share information about the life of a person who has made an impact on the world, for example, Desmond Tutu and Mother Teresa.

In upper Key Stage 2, we invite visitors from Walk Through The Bible to teach biblical stories in a fun and engaging way:

Year 5 Old Testament: Spring 2

Lesson 1 – Beginnings

Lesson 2 – Moses

Lesson 3 – Promised Land

Lesson 4 – Kingdoms

Lesson 5 – Exile

Year 6 New Testament: Summer 2

Lesson 1 – Arrival

Lesson 2 – Ministry

Lesson 3 – Passion

Lesson 4 – Church

Lesson 5 – Expansion

All classrooms have an RE Working Wall which links to SMSC and British Values. The Six Main Religions are displayed and the focus religion is highlighted. The Big Enquiry Question is in the centre of the working wall, alongside the Key Vocabulary and a WAGOLL to help support the children’s learning.

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