A message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we have sent out some important information. These relate to

  • The Parent Governor Election
  • Consultation on Cashless Payments
  • Kindergarten - a letter from Dudley Public Health about all children accessing a Covid PCR test

Please contact the school office if you are having difficulty accessing any of the information.


Because of the unusual circumstances, we are extending the date for the return of ballot papers in our Parent Governor election to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday 30th March.


Minimising the Risk of Covid in our Community

Dudley's Director of Public Health has written to all parents and carers about the actions we must all take to reduce the risk of Covid spreading in our community.  Please read the letter below and take any necessary action to get yourself or your child tested, including if experiencing any of the wider symptoms. All parents of children in Kindergarten are being asked by Public Health to arrange a PCR test for their child and inform us of the results.

We are concerned about adults and children from different bubbles mixing whilst waiting to come into school in the morning. Our staggered times for arrival on site are designed to avoid this. Please do not bring your child to school any earlier that the advertised time, and only Year 6 children should be waiting in the area in front of the gates when they are opened at 8.40 am. Please hang back with your child to prevent households mixing if the entrance to school is busy. Thank you for your support.


Break the Rules Day - Thursday 1st April

Following the success of our "Break the Rules Day" last year, The Ridge Friends would like to invite all children at The Ridge to break some rules for the day again! Children can choose to break up to four rules. The 'fine' for each rule broken will be 50p.

Rule Breakers

  • Crazy hair and/or accessories
  • Bring a cuddly toy (these will 'watch' the children learning from a cleaned surface in the classroom to minimise any COVID risk)
  • Wear a hat
  • Wear nail varnish
  • Be known by a different name (footballer, YouTuber, pop star etc.)
  • Wear novelty glasses

We aim to make this a fun experience, whilst remembering that all other school rules still apply!

Your child will be given a slip on which to indicate the rule(s) they wish to break.  Please return it with the donation, in a named envelope, by Tuesday 30th March. Thank you for your continued support, especially during this time when it is so difficult to raise funds for school.


Please remember that we close early the last day of term - Thursday 1st April

  • Reception        1.25 - 1.35 p.m.
  • Years 1 and 2  1.40 p.m.
  • Years 3 and 5  1.50 p.m.
  • Years 4 and 6  2.00 p.m.


Thank you for all your support for Comic Relief last week. The final total raised was £228.10.


We are still looking for names for 'the bungalow'. Please drop us an email at info@ridge.dudley.sch.uk with your suggestions.


Remote Learning Day

The school will be used as a polling station for the elections on Thursday 6th May. On this date, school will be closed to the children but they will be required to learn remotely at home.


Best wishes


Mrs D Hudson

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