A message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents/Carers

The end of the summer term has arrived and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support over the past year. It has been another busy year and we have enjoyed celebrating our pupils’ numerous achievements. These have included success in many, many areas both academic and also in the equally important areas of sport, music, art and personal development.

There have been lots of highlights, starting off with the visit form OFSTED in October. It was lovely to have our good work affirmed. We continue to see the impact of the CUSP curriculum on the children’s learning and introduced new CUSP Programmes to our teaching.  Under Mr Lamb’s careful coaching we have had success in a number of sporting tournaments and the fabulous performance of ‘Shakespeare Rocks’, made us all very proud!  The children have worked hard to do well in their statutory assessments and in particular our Year 6 children should be very proud of their SATs results. 

As always, the staff and governors have worked tirelessly for our children, keeping their wellbeing and progress at the centre of all we do: it is a privilege to work with such a talented and dedicated team. Thank you for showing your appreciation for the staff with your kind words, cards and gifts.

Today we are saying “Goodbye” to our Year 6 pupils. It has been a pleasure to be part of their lives and see them grow and develop. We wish them all, every happiness in the future and we look forward to hearing of their achievements in the years to come.

We hope that you all have a restful summer and enjoy some special time with your children. Hopefully, today’s sunshine will put in more than just a passing appearance! We look forward to welcoming you back in the Autumn, as we continue to work together for a bright future for all our children.

Kind regards

Mrs D Hudson


A Reminder......

School starts again for the children at 8.45 a.m on Tuesday 3rd September

Timings of the School Day – September 2024

Please remember that the following arrangements will be in place from the start of the Autumn Term.

Start of the School Day 

  • The main school gates will be opened at 8.35 a.m. for children to come on to the school site.
  • Classroom doors in Reception and Key Stage 1 will be opened from 8.40 a.m. (as currently)
  • Key Stage 2 pupils will be able to line up from 08:35 a.m. and go into school from 8.40 a.m. (as currently)
  • Registration will at 08:45a.m. All children will need to be in their classroom by this time with children able to come into school from 08.35 a.m.
  • Children arriving in the classroom after the registers are taken at 8.45 a.m. will be classed as ‘late’.

End of the School Day

It is helpful to teachers supervising the children walking to the adult collecting them, if you could wait in a similar place on the playground each day. Staff then get used to where to look for you and it speeds up the whole process! Thank you.

Year End Time Collected From
Reception 15:10 p.m. - 15:20 p.m. Reception Classroom Door
Years 1 and 2 15:15 p.m. Key Stage 1 Playground
Years 3 and 6 15:20 p.m. Door at the Top of the Ramp
Years 4 and 5 15.20 p.m. Main Door by School Office

Please can we ask that if you are considering having your child’s ears pierced, you arrange for this to be done at the start of the holiday so that the earrings can be removed for P.E. when your child returns to school in September. Thank you for your support in this matter.

Staffing Update

Class Arrangements for September are as follows:

Kindergarten - Mrs. Gledhill

TAs – Mrs. Banks, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Dakin

Reception - Mrs. Melia

TA – Mrs. Hyde

Year 1 - Mrs. Masters  

TA – Mrs. Shipley (Monday) and Miss Phillips Roden (Tuesday to Friday)

Year 2 - Mrs. Plant (Mon/Tue) and Mrs. Collett (Wed – Fri)

TA – Mrs. Warren (Monday to Wednesday) and Mrs, Shipley (Thursday and Friday)

Year 3 - Mrs. Jarrott  

Year 4 - Miss. Wesson

Years 3 and 4 TA – Miss Thompson

Year 5 - Miss Howarth

Year 6 - Miss. Crowson

Years 5 and 6 TA – Mrs. Evans

In addition, Mrs Clewlow and Miss MacLennan will be supporting the learning of individual pupils and groups, along with a new member of the team, Mrs Jones.

We are delighted that Mrs Louisa McGivney will continue as our SENCo next year. She will be in school each Friday.

Finally we say ‘goodbye and good luck to Miss Beddoes. She has had a wonderful impact on our school in the 8 years that she has been here and we wish her continued success in her new post, following her well-deserved promotion to the role of Deputy Headteacher.

Cake Sale

Thank you for all your support with the School Council Cake sale. Thanks to your generosity, an amazing total of £154.88.Thank you so much!

Childhood Tumour Trust

We were disappointed that the weather played havoc with our Shorts and Shades picnic. We had a mufti day on Tuesday to make up for this and raised £352.74 including profits from ice cream sales with RFA

Attendance and Punctuality

This Weeks attendance 

Whole School - 93.03%

Reception - 96.67%

Year 1 – 90.67%

Year 2 – 95.33%

Year 3 – 88.39%

Year 4 – 90.37%

Year 5 – 91.33%

Year 6 – 98.33%

Well done Year 6!

Attendance this academic year 

Whole School - 95.68%

Reception - 95.69%

Year 1 – 95.83%

Year 2 – 96.00%

Year 3 – 96.27%

Year 4 – 94.24%

Year 5 – 94.77%

Year 6 – 96.82%

Well done Year 6!

Safeguarding - Summer Holiday Contact Information

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Mrs Hudson is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and any concerns should be shared with her or the Deputy Safeguarding Leads – Mrs Hadley, Miss Beddoes and Mrs Gledhill.  Where child protection concerns are raised, the school has a statutory duty to refer these concerns to children’s social care.


If you are concerned about a child or young person over the summer break, please call the Dudley Children’s Services on the telephone numbers below.

  • During office hours Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, call children's services on 0300 555 0050.Select option 3
  • Out of office hours, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0300 555 8574
  • In an emergency call 999

When you contact them, you will speak to a professional who will listen to your concerns. They may take a few details and might need to contact you again, but your concern will be dealt with quickly and appropriately. You do not need to provide your name or give contact details if you do not wish to do so. Anonymous calls will not be ignored.

Alternatively, contact the NSPCC on 0800 800 5000

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