The Governors have an important role in our school and are a bit like a 'Board of Directors'. We make policy decisions and alongside the Headteacher, we're responsible for all aspects of school life including academic standards, the appointment and development of staff and management of the school budget.
Jointly, we share the goal of ensuring that each pupil receives the best possible educational experience at The Ridge through high quality teaching and a well planned curriculum.
Who are the Governors?
Our Governing body is made up of the following representatives
- Three governors nominated and elected by parents
- Five governors co-opted onto the governing body - people invited to be part of the governing body because their expertise or experience will benefit the school
- One governor appointed by the Local Authority
- One governor elected by the staff
- The Headteacher
The governors meet half termly as a Full Governing Body. There are also two committees which meet on a termly basis or more often if necessary.
- Staff, Pupil & Curriculum
- Finance and Premises
If you would like to speak to a governor, please either telephone school or e-mail via to make a request, or send a letter addressed to the governor(s) via the school address.
Our Governors
Mr Phil Roberts - Chair of Governors (Parent Governor)
Mrs L Mason - Co Vice Chair of Governors (Co-opted)
Mrs Julia Simmonds (Co-opted)
Mrs D Hudson - Head Teacher
Mrs N Masters - Elected by Staff
Mrs P Watson - Co-opted
Mrs J Gough - Parent Governor
Ms J Harley-Arliss - Parent Governor
We currently have 2 vacancies for Co-opted Governors