Forest School
Dear Parents and Carers
Forest School continues at The Ridge w/c 8th April 2024. Forest School is about discovering and developing life skills through a holistic approach to enhancing children's learning in the natural environment. Benefits include increasing self-esteem, independence, risk taking and physical activity. We are delighted to have our outdoor area to create a setting which allows the children to explore their environment, develop their knowledge and skills whilst developing a long-term relationship with the natural world.
Peter Yates, a fully qualified forest school leader from 'Simply Forest School', will lead our forest school sessions, and the environment and all activities are fully risk assessed. During the programme, the children may be working with various tools such as saws and making fires. This will be under strict supervision with only one child working at one time. The children will have a drink during the session and a snack. Please contact school if your child has any allergies that we need to be aware of.
Forest School runs in all weathers (if safe to do so) and the children will be expected to take part in all sessions. Children must come to school in clothes that parents are happy for them to get dirty. There are brambles and nettles on site so it very important that the children have long sleeve tops and trousers (no shorts). If rain is forecast, then please provide your child with a waterproof coat and if possible, waterproof trousers too.
Year 2 will be going to Forest School on:
· Tuesday 9th April
· Tuesday 16th April
· Tuesday 23rd April
· Tuesday 30th April
· Tuesday 7th May
· Tuesday 14th May
We are extremely grateful to Ridge Friends who have kindly agreed to fund these sessions, and are confident that the children will enjoy the experience and gain a lot from it.
Please don't hesitate to contact school if you have any queries.
Yours sincerely
Mrs D Hudson