Parking on Gregory Road
Please can we take the opportunity to remind you about parking in Gregory Road. You will know that this is a constant issue for both school and local residents and so for everyone’s safety and to ensure that we maintain good relationships with the residents, please note the following.
- Please avoid double parking along the length of Gregory Road and obstructing the driveways of our neighbours. (Marked out with the white I-------I)
- Do not park on the yellow’ Keep Clear Zig Zags’ or in the turning circle in Gregory Road.
- Please do not park or turn round in the school car park.
- Whenever possible please take the opportunity to walk to school.
Please see the attached information from West Midlands Police.
Alongside reminding you of the messages about considerate and safe parking, please can I also ask you to ensure that when you are walking up to school with your child, you are aware of their safety and hold their hand where necessary. This comes after a concern from a resident about children running across driveways whist cars are manoeuvring.