Dear Parents/Carers,

As we look forward to returning to a ‘new normal’ in September, I would like to share with you some of the arrangements for our return to Kindergarten.

In order to allow us to carry out our induction sessions for the new children joining us, Kindergarten will reopen from Wednesday 9th September.

A reminder that morning sessions are 8:45-11:45 and afternoon sessions are 1:00 – 3:30. If you pay for your child’s sessions, please make sure this is inside an envelope, clearly labeled with your child’s name and amount enclosed. This can then be passed on to a member of staff.

Where possible, we ask that parents drop off their children to us at the Kindergarten gate. A member of staff will be out to greet them. If your child is unsettled, please enter the gate and a member of staff will help them inside. To allow for social distancing between parents, we ask that only 1 family is inside the gate at any one time. When collecting children at the end of the session, please wait outside of the Kindergarten gate where a member of staff will release your child to you. We ask parents to be mindful of social distancing when dropping off and collecting their children. To help allow for staggered collections and drop offs, please ring the buzzer when you arrive if the gate isn’t open. Please be aware, that if your child has a sibling in school, they may have a different start and end time due to the staggered times of school. You are welcome to bring and collect your child from Kindergarten at this same time.

Children that are with us for the full day are required to bring a packed lunch. Please provide this in a named lunchbox with items such as a sandwich, crisps, yoghurt, fruit, small chocolate covered biscuit etc. Your child will also need a drink for lunchtime. Please no fizzy drinks. We continue to ask for £1 per week donation from those who are funded, to allow us to purchase extra fruit and vegetables for the children’s snack. We have a group snack and story during both a morning and afternoon session. Please provide your child with a drink, labeled with their name, in a plastic bottle. This may be water or squash.

We would like to thank you all for your understanding and support during the school closure and we look forward to seeing you all back in September.

Keep safe and have a wonderful Summer,

Yours Sincerely


Mrs Burley

Kindergarten Teacher

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